The Photoemission and Bright Beams Lab at ASU performs experimental and theoretical research to develop a fundamental understanding of light-matter interactions as relevant to the photoemission process with the goal of developing advanced electron sources for electron microscopy, ultrafast science, and nuclear and high energy physics. Our dream is to revolutionize electron microscopy and particle accelerators through the development of high brightness electron sources.
We employ the smoothest of atomically ordered surfaces at cryogenic temperatures under extraordinarily high electric fields along with the intense femtosecond pulsed lasers to obtain the brightest photoemission electron sources. Our lab houses state-of-the-art surface preparation and characterization facilities connected in ultra-high-vacuum to unique photoemission characterization techniques and a 200kV cryogenic DC electron gun to demonstrate the generation of the brightest possible beams. The DC electron gun can be used to generate bright femto-second scale electron bunches to study the ultrafast dynamics of materials.
If you are interested in joining the exciting research at the lab please contact Prof. Karkare
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